Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nope...nah uh

If you ask me whether I'm looking forward to tomorrow - No, maybe, but definitely not Yes

I prefer costume party where you dress up as your own personality, The End...

Nope, thats not all, I pledge not to go to any more formal parties this THAT IS ALL...

Only if someone drags me...


Only IF...

I Feel...Happy...eesh

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Not So Paralympic after all...

Ok it's after PMR, yes everyone got over the whole hype about it in less than a day, so...SHATTAP ALREADY!

Neither anyone of us can I wait for the face off between Arif and Keefe in a 35m-ish competitive swimming
Wonder how'd it turn out, I've seen both of them swim, so if you're a double agent of some kind, don't worry, I won't be exposing their uhm, what's that word? Oh yeah - "strategies".

Alia's open house yesterday was rather, how would I put it, delicious. Why? I mean, all I ever notice first in any open houses would be the glorious food. Rendang, satay, etcetera, how can you not love Malaysia?! (...'s food, I can die in this senseless political war)

Thus the focus turns, Ejay's "Deepavali" party (or as what I like to call Strip n' Dip pool party) commences in another day. Arif in his I-want-a-rematch-with-you-Keefe! spirit is sure showing some effort, blah, who am I to judge. All you need's an invite to Ejay's strip n' dip to witness this not-so-paralympic match...