Machines may seem like a pretty good retail outlet to purchase your next new Apple product from with occasional Mac Discovery Weeks and offers but I still refrain. Being major in a sense, they are generally not helpful in after sales services. Good thing they don't call their customer service Genius Bars.
If a customer enters with a product defect, they should be treated the way they want to be treated after paying quite an amount for their product they were so eager to tear open to use it once they get home, "were so eager".
The act of blaming the customer, ultimately means you're burning a hole in Apple's quality customer service, albeit slowly, one by one, with each customer.
You can't blame the customer for not opening their purchases right away. The phrase "You're the customer, you're supposed to check your purchases" is true, but is that the way to respond to a customer in a sickening tone? The main drawback was that they think their customers are lying. Whaaaa? Sorry, I'm having so much fun with my mac I bought from some place else, I'm too occupied to come and play "punk the mac store" with you people.
What if it was meant to be a gift and the receiver of the gift so happens to pass away before it was even presented upon? Well I'm sorry if the customer doesn't open the gift right away in joy that it will now be his/hers, only to have unwrap a faulty product. Just an example.
...and the sole reason I don't purchase my mac from major retail outlets is because of exactly this. Trust me, there's a better Apple retail outlet in a 1km radius from every Machines store in KL. EpiCenter, Smack, you name it.
I got my mac from Smack @ Bangsar Village 2 and was never dissatisfied with their after sales service. Machines left me with a very bad impression almost 3 times after purchasing ONE macbook accessory that they can't seem to get right - and that was only because I picked it up out of convenience that I so happen to be in the area. Amazing what the work of 2 Machines outlet could do to 1 customer.
Not those who work outside the counter, but those who work behind the counter attending to customer problems. I wonder how foreign Apple customer service reps would cover their face in shame.
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