Friday, September 12, 2008

Literal Short

I'm used to blogging short, literally short. I think that explains everything better off. Plus, the only time I blog fully is when I emphasize on something.

Now compare my Twitter updates to my Blogger updates.
I'm not exaggerating.
  Twit Me

 Blog Me

90 - 39, now isn't that the score between Ham and Spam?

Seriously, just a simple sentence describes a lot. 

      "uhowie Not sure what bread this is, but it tastes like it has olive oil with all different kind of nuts on it...not wholemeal...42 minutes ago from web"

and by that, I've made my statement, I'm eating, and wondering what bread am I stuffing in to my mouth.

If you don't see posts on my blog, well, on the right there's a Twitter Panel that updates whenever I do. So look out for it!
Wanna follow me on Twitter? Do it here

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